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  • Thanks for sending the info - much appreciated. Gayle.

  • Hi Lynne:  Been a while sisnce I dropped a line.  Justg wondering how you and yours are doing and hope this message finds you both in the best of health.  We are looking forward to the holiday season out this, however, no snow yet.  I don,t know if I told you, but in 2000 I had 5 bypasses as a result of a heat Attack, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, depression, arterial sclorosis, and hyperparathyroidism.  That about covers it.  However I am still relatively healthy except for my kidneys which a starting mtofailo me.  I am still not on dialysis, but getting close tothat stage.  I hope Icanavoid that for a while yet.  Touch wood.  Other than that I am healthy as a horse.  DEpon,t know2 if I told y ou But Bill Dick retired to Nova Scotia somewheres and last I heard he was suffering from cancer.  I aguess old age cxatches up with all of us.  Well enough good news for now so I,ll sign offx and do drop  aline.  Regards Ken.  Say hi to your better half for me.

  • Hi Lynne:  After I sent the message  remembered your first name.  Yes I was the CC at the BOR and that time and retired out of Winnipeg.  Sort of lost track of everyone who was at the BOR at that time.  If memory serves me cporrectly y ou were being considered for CFR.  Did that ever happen?  I keep in touch with Gary Marriott off and on, he is out of St Anne, just south east of Winnipeg, both he and his wife are retired now.  After I got out I workked in Law Enforcement for another 12 years, had a heart Attack and 5 by-passes and had to retire prematurely.  I now live in Armstrong BC just north of Vernon about 10 kms.  Love it here.  So how are you doing and are you retired now.  Let me know whats going on, take care, Merry Xmas.  Regards.  Ken Frost

  • Are you the same Dianne Gallant that was in Winnipeg 86/87 BOR?

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