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  • Sorry but you look so much like him then!  Hwo old were you in 1970?

  • Hi John,  Nice to find you around.  I just joined the group.  Hope to find lots of good old friend from the past.  I had great memeries specially from Val D'Or... rmember the guy that made eggs shanwiches for your boys without breaking the yoke? 

  • read further and discovered this must be Jr.

  • Dear Mr. Lowther:
    It has come to my attention that Moncton has yet to organize a rally for the Veterans rally 06 Nov 2010 at 1100 hrs. If non is available in your local area, we would be pleased and honoured if you attend the rally in Halifax. The Halifax rally has very good support and will provide a springboard for our commrades to the west for motivation. I do believe that VIA Rail still provides free passage for Veterans and guest. Please let me know if you would like your name passed to other Veterans in your area for support or assistance with travelling, ie (carpool).

    Yours Aye; Nemo me impune lacissit!

    Gary Zwicker CD, SSM, SM
    OPI Halifax Veterans Rally 06 Nov 2010, 1100hrs
  • Is that the latest pic you have of yourself in uniform? Dad
  • HI john. I have tried unsuccessfully to send your Dad and Kim an e mail..Perhaps you would be so kind as to pass him my e mail address and ask hime to give me a shout??? Thanks so much,, Cheers . Dave
  • Hello John. thank you for responding to my earlier comments.I much appreciate you sending me your Dad and Kim;s e mail address.. I will atemptto get a message away to him. As I said in earlier comments, I am a real novice on the computer..some of my grest grand kids are soo much better. hahah.I find this site so interesting and a way of contacting so many men and women I have worked with over my 33 years in the Military. So many good friends to be remembered..
  • Hey John> Glad to hear you did so well in the CFMSIwas HWO at NDMC in your time, also had the pleasure of working with your Dad. at NDMC and later when he was at Cold Lake. Please pass on my regards.. Cheers,,Dave Davis CWO. ( retired)
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March 12

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