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  • Hi Mark,

    Nice to hear from you.

  • A move west much have been a good wone then, glad to hear you are doing well. the safety positon would be a good one to work on. Speaking of the Legion I am on the Youth Ed committee (jsut me so far) but will be getting schools invovled in the Remembrance Day contests, looking forward to that. Been golfing lots and enjoying the execise, its much better than the 10k ruck marches. ha. Give me Dave Mellot's info, the name sounds familiar but it escapes me, must be getting old eh. ha. Getting to know more about our new town, takes a bit of time to become familiar with a new place. My wife is working in a long term care facility here, I am assisting on some trraining on the base in Kingston and preaching inthe UCC, local churches, a new venture for me. gotta run, keep in touch. The CSM was George F (cant remember his last name now, he retired as well was a MWO and was temp RSM while Abramchzyk was away.
  • Hi Mark, you're looking good, I saw your pic on the site earlier and thought you looked familiar, the one of you in front of the amb. hope things are going well, I don't have a recent pic of me on here yet, maybe is good on the golf course here in Napanee. You look good in the Legion suit, I have been busy with them too. drop a line some time and let me know how you are and where
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