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  • Hi Al, tks for your feedback.  I did speak with Marcel last week.  He's still as busy as usual but as always in good spirit. I got his e-mail address so I'll be able to communicate with him more often.

    Cheers, Leon

  • Hi Al,

    I received a msg today which originated from Pierre Morrisette, previous Sug Gen, inquiring about a service person who contracted tuberculosis at Petawawa in 1981 and there's nothing on his file.  Apparently there were 5 cases or so present at that time.  I'm not sure that you were at Petawawa at that time or not.  Marcel Jean was probably there.  If you have any recollection of info, it could help Pierre who is on the Veteran's board for pension.

    Cheers, Leon

    You can use my e-mail,<

  • Hi ,i thought you had disappeared,have agood new year.

  • Hi! I am still in the Bridgewater area but have found a job in the only french school in the area as the custodian. I look after the control systems, light maintenance and the janitorial team duties.  Both my kids go to that school. I reall enjoy the freedom that comes with this job. I have time to coach cross-country running and the wrestling team.

    This forum/social network is a grerat way to keep track of what other friends and co-workers are up to, so I decided to look up some old friends and see how they're doing.

    Glad that I have connected with you, Keep in touch.



  • Well it was a much older Al  Atwell that i knew. i was at the the FD hosp until the end of june 75 abd then took my release. but couldn't stay away. Enlisted again in 1990.

  • Hey Al, were you in I Fd Amb 67-70 and welcome to the site..


  • welcome Al, how's things with  the RCMP?



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May 3

Type of service

RCMP, Military
