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  • Bill not me.I was not in Hamilton and for sure never received a medal or whatever from The Veterans Affairs Minister.

  • Not anymore Bill. We moved there when I got out in 98 and were there until four years ago. We finally had enough of being so far back in the bush, and decided to come home to the Maritimes. We are now happily esconded here on "The Mighty Miramichi" at Retirement Miramichi. We have half a duplex in the old CFB Chatham PMQ patch. Great house, great rent, they mow the lawn and blow the snow. Life is good. Three golf courses handy so thats covered as well. Cheers my friend.

  • Bill how short your memory is these days. Where were you on April 16 ,1974 you were on board the 265 and we were on our way to NATO with Cdr. Drent as we were the flag ship for the Cmdre when we took over in Lisbon from the Yukon. I was a LS cook on the trip and you were  WU along with Foxy Fowler who I often see here in Dartmouth now do you remember me . I retired in 2004 with 39 years in as the Command Chief Cook . I still have our NATO book from that trip and with it goes a lot of memories. Please drop me a line or two and hopefully this will jog your memories of the 265. Remember when the Sea King ditched in Den Helder Harbour and Hughy Livingstone cuts the blades off the bird and the Dutch ship the Polster craned her onboard.
  • sorry to butt in, but you must be talking about Moof Miller
  • For sure Bill. We sailed together once or twice. Seems he got bonked by the fin door going up the basin once, and we had to leave him inboard. Right after he had his cranium dented the Clearance Divers accepted him. Just sayin.........
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