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  • Hi Len, remember the good days with 226 AC & W Sqn, I retired in 91 as a Major and then was with BMO for 20 years and now I am finally a retired rat. I still tell people how you use to give me a pass in hockey so I could score.....shall we say I was not an all star lol.

  • Hi Len,

    It's been a lot of years since we've crossed paths. Good to see all of the old

    acquaintances here and to know that they're still in the upright position ha!

    Are you in the Ottawa area ?

  • Hi there Len, and welcome to the Veterans of Canada (VOC) site. Last time I saw you was in CFCCHQ in January 1984 (Good Lord - 27 years ago!) when you and I and Bob Harkness were on a special board to rewrite and update CFCD 509, the Facility Control Centre "bible".  You and Bob were WO's and I was a SGT.  Made my WO in 86 and my MWO in 91.(any idea where he is or how to reach him?)

    Cheers - John

  • Len;

       You and Dave Lee must be twins you have the pictures. Enjoy your warm stay in the Islands because it is cold here in Canada.


    Bill Johnston

  • Len; Good to hear from you buddy. I suffered a cardiac arrest in Nov  while attending a vets dinner at the legion. Luckily for me their was about three nurses and a portable defibrillator on site which is the only reason I am able to talk to you now. I guess it was not meant to be as I came through it with no damage at all or no more than i had going in. LOL let me know when your able to attend the next bfest..I will try and make it. Hang tough on all the surgeries buddy, we can make it through anything they chuck at us....|Dave Lee.
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December 20

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