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  • Hi Lorne,
    Still in Kabul.
    Going on four years now, but I think this will be my last year. Looking forward to returning home for good and taking my Harley on a few long rides with Caro.

    I'll be home for New Years, but heading down to the Dominican for a short holiday.
    Take care. Be talking to you soon.

  • Been out at the beach for about six summers, winters spent in the south. Presently go to Florida over near St Petersburg. We did Mexico for a few years and always spent a few weeks in Texas. Great place down in the valley there. Our last time out was 5 years back when we stayed in Brownsville. Found that to be a little far out for us. We prefered the central area near McCalllen or Mission.. Always thought we might go to Donna in the big park just before the flea market..

    Presently Kathy is fighting cancer for the third straight year. This time in her thyroid and lungs. Looks like a long hard fight. I'm healthy and like you have been trying to learn how to golf. Seems some days I'm catching on and then the Village Idiot appears and I struggle. Nice try on the middle name but its Ofi.

  • Hey Lorne, long time no see. How is it going? Chet Moore

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June 12

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