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  • Still in Bridlewood John, but would like to move to a smaller place. Difficult and expensive around Ottawa. This is what has kept me busy for the past few years:

    Sam and I have had large boats since retirement, but I've enjoyed this project. Launches this spring I hope.  Take care  Al

  • You look pretty comfortable there John. Nice to see you!

  • Hi John..I see ur in Mex. from Murry Pletch's wall.  Lucky fella.  How are u...last saw u at CFCCHQ  I think.  Are u still on Van. Is. as I remember (real estate bus)?  I ret'd in 96 to the backwoods of Lanark County (luv'n it).  I recall 743CS as one of the best places Rose and I were, great memories, great people.  Enjoy the sun...Cheers
  • Great to connect John Fran and I are in Florida for a month, hope all is well with you  and yours.

    We had a great lunch with Don Evoy before we left Kingston.

    Take Care


  • Welcome aboard John.  When you get a chance, why don't you mosey on over and join the RCAF Station Penhold group, which is really an Electronic Penhold Reunion.  Check out all of our other groups and join whichever ones you are eligible for. SIGNALS, ARMY and/or AIR FORCE, etc, etc. Once I see you career bio, I can better advise you as to what to do next. I'm not sure which years you spent in Penhold.  I was there from 1981 to 1993 with a 5-year no cost posting from 1986-1991 to 749 (Red Deer) Rescommtop, later a Rescommsqn.  Don Morris was my CO. Talk to you more after your bio is posted. - John
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