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  • Fred...I am part of an organizing committee for a 1 Air Div Reunion - and tonight I talked with Alf Payten - he and I discovered we were both Med As and he at 4 Wing, me at 3 Wing - same time frame.  Well, of course, your name came up and he wondered where you were...  I told him I'd try and contact you.  Drop me a note -


  • My brain must be getting addled with age, Fred...but of was Group 2 at 3 Wing with Liz Kerr.  I KNEW that I knew your name, but just didn't put 2 and 2 together.  If I recall, there were three of us - do you remember who the other Group 2 candidate was?  I sure wish I knew as much as I thought I did then...  When I got out of the Air Force in '75, I ended up as an "A" licenced Industrial First Aid Attendant in the logging industry...which was interesting...then when I was in my 40s, I decided to go back to school - and certified in Health Information Management - healthcare without the complications of sick was a perfect fit for me...retired last year after being offered a "golden slide" out the door. 


  • Freddie!!! Hello it has been awhile. I saw Al Campbell at the school mess dinner. He mentioned that he kept in touch with you. For some reason I can 't find you on Facebook anymore.

    So how are you ? Still working in Stoney Plain? 

    As you know I am in Borden. Just finished the BMOC crse, can you believe they honestly thought I NEEDED to go on it as there was lots to be learned.

    It is funny not much has changed really. The school is new but it is all still the same. 

    Hope you are well. You still have awesome looking hair!!! Ha Ha



  • Actually I was ayoung cpl at that time in the Central Warehouse.I remember some guy fellout of the loading door an busted his leg . A couple guys carried him to the MIR and you just about had a hemorage because they carried him with his poor leg dangling. There used to be a pretty rugged group there at that time. We used to sing a  lot and Jack Stacey would play his guitar or banjo(jack was Adm clerk) i used to hang with some heavy drinkers then-- dam near killed me and almost quit drinking when I left there.
  • Fred CFS Armstrong 71-were you a munger?
  • Well stated Fred. I remain as baffled with this appointment but not having any input, must remain curious and at a loss to attempt to comprehend the belief that this position has no requirement for specific expertise and operational experience.I have concerns about there assignment of all CWOs and which positions, if not all, are now considered generic . I am unable to even suggest that a Medical CWO , with perhaps a couple exceptions, might be considered as a Battalion RSM. It is unlikely to happen , however as stated in my previous comment I would very much be interested in the current Branch Advisors feelings and any comments re his appointment. In addition even a brief comment from Bob Sylvestre might shed a little more light on the discussion.
  • Fred : I don't believe your discussion topic has been exhausted. Where are all those who were doing so much for the medical trades when they occupied the "High Ground". Both senior serving and retired members must surely have an opinion . I always thought the more input the better but I guess you have to respect ones right to "remain silent" when events happen. Well done in your effort to bring about discussion.
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"RIP Dave"
Nov 7, 2021